本文節選自《骨肌疾病體外沖擊波療法》主編 邢更彥
沖擊波在骨科和泌尿外科中,使用了兩種完全不同的工作原理:前者是沖擊波產生所需的刺激去促進肌腱、周圍組織和骨組織等愈合,而后者則是沖擊波迫使尿結石或腎結石碎裂。 空化效應是沖擊波獨有的一種特性,在骨組織及軟組織病的治療時,病灶范圍內大量氣泡的空化效應,是打通生理性關閉的微血管、松解關節軟組織粘連的有利因素,由不良反應變成了治療作用。 在體外沖擊波碎石技術中,沖擊波的空化效應是由聲波引起的,在聲波張應力的作用下,液體爆裂而形成大量的水泡或氣泡,當氣泡表面的壓力快速下降時,氣泡突然破裂,氣泡破裂時產生高速液體微噴射,微噴射直接作用于結石或組織表面,微噴射所產生的撞擊力是結石粉碎和組織損傷的重要原因。 用于骨科治療的沖擊波能量變動范圍要求較大。低能量和中能量多用于治療軟組織慢性損傷性疾病、軟骨損傷性疾病及位置淺表性骨不連;高能量多用于治療位置較深的骨不連及骨折延遲愈合和股骨頭壞死等成骨障礙性疾病。骨肌系統疾病治療前可行痛點結合X線、B超、MRI 或多種輔助檢查協同定位。 碎石治療中能量要高于骨科治療所需能量。結石治療前需要精確的定位,多采用 B超、X線或兩者協同定位。 治療骨科疾病時,沖擊波的聚焦范圍并非越小越好,因為對于骨科和軟組織疾病的病灶區域一般涉及的是一個范圍,而不是一二個點,焦點過小對于較大范圍的治療及定位都不是很方便,甚至有些部位的治療根本不需要考慮聚焦。 碎石治療時,要求準確聚焦到結石部位,治療能量才能起到粉碎結石的效果。 楊軍 [1] Kim YH,Jang SI, Rhee K,Lee DK. Endoscopic treatment of pancreatic calculi. Clin Endosc,2014, 47 (3) :227-235. [2] Leong WS, Liong ML, Liong YV, Wu DB, Lee SW.Does simultaneous inversion during extracorporealshock wave lithotripsy improve stone clearance: a long-term, prospective, single-blind, randomized con-trolled study. Urology, 2014,83 (1) :40-44. [3] Foda K, Abdeldaeim H, Youssif M, Assem A. Calculating the number of shock waves, expulsion time, andoptimum stone parameters based on noncontrast computerized tomography characteristics. Urology,2013,82(5): 1026-1031. [4] Liu J, Zang YJ. Comparative study between three analgesic agents for the pain management during extra-corporeal shock wave lithotripsy. Urol J,2013,10(3) :942-945. [5] 孫西釗.醫用沖擊波?上海;上海交通大學出版社,2001. [6] 湯文輝.沖擊波物理.科學出版社,2011? [7]浣石,黃風雷,汪保和.沖擊波致傷作用實驗研究進展.醫用生物力學,2006,21(2):163-168. [8]Qin Z, Linghu EQ.Temporary placement of a fully covered self-expandable metal stent in the pancreaticduct for aiding extraction of large pancreatic duct stones: preliminary data. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol,2014,26 (11):1273-1277. [9] 韓見知,吳開俊.體外沖擊波碎石技術?人民衛生出版社,2004. [10]陳景秋,趙萬星,曾忠.ESWL 實際焦點位置的理論和數值分析.中國生物醫學工程學報,2004,23(2):47.251. [11] Sarica K,Kafkasli A, Yazici O, et al. Ureteral wall thickness at the impacted ureteral stone site: a criticalpredictor for success rates after SWL.Urolithiasis,2014. [12] Abdelaziz H, Elabiad Y, Aderroui I, et al. The usefulness of stone density and patient stoutness in predic-ting extracorporeal shock wave efficiency: Results in a North African ethnic group. Can Urol Assoc J,2014,8(7-8): E567-569. [13] 營喜岐,森田長吉,等.體外沖擊波碎石焦點附近聲壓分布的時城有限差分法數值分析.生物物理學報,2006,22(1): 62-66. [14] Rassweiler J,Rassweiler MC, Frede T, Alken P.Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy: An opinion on itsfuture.Indian J Urol,2014,30(1):73-79. [15] Goertz O, Hauser J, Hirsch T, et al. Short-term effects of extracorporeal shock waves on microcirculation.J Surg Res,2015,194(1) :304-311. [16] Ogden JA, Toth-KischkatA, Schultheiss R. Principle of shock wave therapy. Clin Orthop Relat Res,2001,387:8-17. [17] Elkholy MM, Ismail H, Abdelkhalek MA, Badr MM, Elfeky MM. Efficacy of extracorporeal shockwavelithotripsy using Dornier SI in different levels of ureteral stones. Urol Ann,2014,6(4): 346-351. [18] Wang JC, Zhou Y.Suppressing bubble shielding effect in shock wave lithotripsy by low intensity pulsedultrasound. Ultrasonics,2015,55:65-74. [19] Ito K, Igarashi Y, Okano N, et al. Efficacy of combined endoscopic lithotomy and extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy, and additional electrohydraulic lithotripsy using the SpyGlass direct visualization systemor X-ray guided EHL as needed, for pancreatic lithiasis.Biomed Res Int,2014.732-781. [20] 張德俊.空化效應與超聲治療儀.中國超聲醫學雜志,1998,14(4):9-23. [21] Singh BP, Prakash J, Sankhwar SN, et al.Retrograde intrarenal surgery vs extracorporeal shock wave lith-otripsy for intermediate size inferior pole calculi: a prospective assessment of objective and subjective out-comes. Urology,2014,83(5):1016-1022. [22] 那更彥,江明,井茹芳,骨肌系統疾病體外沖擊波療法區其鎮變與發展,中國矯形外科雜志,2005,13(1):64-66. [23] 骨肌疾病體外沖擊波療法專家共識,中國醫學前沿雜志(電子版),2014,6:170-177. [24] 白曉偉,李眾利,張浩,等.發散式沖擊波儀器精確作用研究,中國醫療器城雜志,2014,1:26-29. [25] 張隆潔,黃廣林,滿立波,放散狀與聚焦狀沖擊波治療肱骨外上健炎的療效比較-中國康復醫學雜志,2013,2:151-153.